Smita Sathe has specialized in a multitude of web, database and scripting languages and computer technologies over the last 30+ years. She's worked as a systems analyst and a software developer working on real time data management with a specialization in interactivity and graphics at leading laboratories and companies including Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL), HELL Graphics Systems, IBM, TJ Watson Research Laboratory and TATA. In recent years she has focused her energy on working with artists and art institutions in New York city on a variety of web projects.
Pravin Sathe holds a Master's degree ('08) from the Interactive Telecommunications Program at New York University (NYU). He presented his Master's Thesis, "Suspended on a Road from Here to There" on 8 May 2008. A graduate of NYU's College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) he received his B.A. in 2003, double majoring in Politics and Economics. He is a former NYC Teaching Fellow, Research fellow at the EdLab at Columbia University. He is currently a UI designer at Google on the Knowledge team. He has worked with the artist Tony Oursler for the past 10 years on a myriad of projects. He has designed the sites of artists Tony Oursler, Liliana Porter, Ana Tiscornia, Jacqueline Humphries and Steven Montgomery among others. He continues to create his own work which can be seen at
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Call Smita: 631 246 5064
Call Pravin: 631 398 3129